Multiple fire trucks, ambulances and sheriff vehicles visited Dataw Island Thursday, but not for an emergency situation... Dataw was serving them an annual complimentary luncheon and golf outing in appreciation for their dedication to serving the Beaufort community!

First responders and dispatchers from the Beaufort County Sherriff’s Office, Lady’s Island-St. Helena Fire District, and Beaufort County EMS were welcomed by staff and board members in Dataw’s Carolina Ballroom to indulge in a cookout-style buffet followed by a round of golf - for those lucky enough to sneak away long enough to take a few drives before the rain.

Many of the EMS who visited could not stay long but they were able to grab lunch and also take lunch to-go for their fellow teammates who could not be in attendance.

Dataw Island says “Thank You!” to these fine folks for your service!

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